Oz the Terrier Wrote a Limerick About Pierson!

Pierson Getting Some Sun
In Lawrence there was a dog part Aussie
whose character was ever so saucy.
He’s cute to a few
though he likes eating poo
which he picks from his teeth with some floss-y.
An original poem by Oz the Terrier; re-posted with permission, in its entirety, as originally posted on www.oztheterrier.com.

Oz the Terrier

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2 Responses to “Oz the Terrier Wrote a Limerick About Pierson!”

  1. mollieandalfie Says:

    Wez laughed our heads off at that 🙂 Have a wonderful day xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  2. 2browndawgs Says:


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