Scurvy Dog Pierson & Talk Like a Pirate Day

Avast ye scallywags! In case ye didn’ know, today be talk like a pirate day. An’ here’s what our scurvy dog Pierson be sayin’:

Talk Like a Pirate Day - Pierson Pirate Cracker

Talk Like a Pirate Day - Pierson Pirate Poop

If yer a likin’ these sayins, then put ’em up on yer pinty board thingy. Or I’ll be feedin’ ye to the fishes!

Ye got somethin’ t’ say? Be sure to talk like a pirate.

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6 Responses to “Scurvy Dog Pierson & Talk Like a Pirate Day”

  1. Sam's Northern Girl Says:

    Too cute! Hope ye has a g’ di. Just one question: Where is Pierson’s parrot?

  2. Dakota/Caren/Cody Says:

    you make one fine looking Pirate Matey!

  3. rubytheairedale Says:

    Arrrrrrrg!!! Mighty fine pirate duds dude!! BOL
    I hopes that parrot didn’t leave feathers in your toothers…
    Ruby ♥☺

  4. Ann Staub Says:

    Lol – you make a great pirate Pierson! I like the poop deck one.

  5. 2browndawgs Says:

    Haha love it!

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