Wordless Wednesday – Into the Night

Did you see Maya’s review of the NiteDawg light up dog collar from March 2nd? It was pretty cool, right? Except it probably wouldn’t work as well as on dogs like my Pierson with long hair. Well, it just so happens that Pierson won his own light up dog collar shortly after! He won it from the Jones Natural Chews blog! (BTW, if you haven’t seen this blog, it’s fun and super funny.) The light from Pierson’s collar hangs down so his hair doesn’t obscure it. Here are the pet photos of both Maya & Pierson wearing their light up dog collars… into the night.

My dogs wearing dog collars with lights.

See how Maya’s dog collar glows around her neck while Pierson’s shines a light?

My dogs wearing light up dog collars.

Despite their light up dog collars, I still managed to trip in the dark.

Dogs Wearing Light Up Dog Collars

Maya’s dog collar glows while Pierson’s shines a light. Oooh, scary shadows.

These pet photos aren’t the best. It is so difficult taking photos of the dogs at night. But for some great pet photos, check out the link to the Wordless Wednesday blog hop below:

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11 Responses to “Wordless Wednesday – Into the Night”

  1. catchatcaren Says:

    that’s pretty darned cool!

  2. Long Life Cats and Dogs Says:

    I so need something like the glowing one. I haven’t seen any around South Africa but Litchi is just soooo black that I can never see her at night. I did get a light that clips on the collar but it was rather pathetic watching her simply run in circles trying to catch the light 🙂

  3. Will and Eko Says:

    It’s still a bit cold for any off-leash nighttime adventures here, but I definitely want to pick one of these up for when the weather warms up. They look great.

  4. Clowie Says:

    That might work on me! My hair hides collars.

  5. SUGAR: Golden Woofs Says:

    Woof! Woof! I got the nitedawg leash it is helpful when its really really dark. Happy BlogPaws WW. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  6. Gizmo Says:

    Momz has one fur me now that’s different than either of these and she’s going to review it next week…she does like having me “litup” when we walk in the dark…She and everyone else can see me from a block away

  7. MyBrownNewfies Says:

    That’s a good idea and would probably work very well on us!

  8. 2browndawgs Says:

    Those look like good collars for the night. I think your pictures are very nice. It is hard to take pictures in the dark!

  9. mollieandalfie Says:

    Humom would love one of those for me, only so she could see what I was up to in the garden at night..She finks I eat her flowers..Would I ?? BOL xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  10. FleaByte Says:

    Your first photo is awesome! I laughed out loud when you said you still tripped. 🙂

  11. English Creme Golden Retrievers Says:

    Glow in the dark dog collars are a great idea. I hadn’t thought of that before.

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