Wordless Wednesday – Playing Dogs

Believe it or not, Maya and Pierson do not play together often. Maya thinks Pierson is just a little too rough, and he is. So if she is trying to play by herself, and he butts in, she stops. But the other day was different. Maya was either very bored or just in a really good mood. They played together for several long minutes, long enough for me to go find my camera and snap quite a few photos.

Dogs Playing 015

When Pierson plays too rough, he grabs the side of Maya’s face and pulls. Ouch!

Dogs Playing 007

Even though Pierson sometimes hurts her, Maya doesn’t cry out. But this day, she was really giving him what-for.

Dogs Playing 008

You tell ‘im Maya!

Dogs Playing 009

I’ve got you now, Mr. Pierson!

Dogs Playing 005

Have you had enough yet? How about we slobber up some of that fluff of yours.

Dogs Playing 013

You’re going down!

Dogs Playing 006

But Pierson slips away. Maya has to try again.

Dogs Playing 011

But Pierson is the one who takes Maya down. He always wins… but only because Maya lets him win.

No dogs were hurt in this activity. It was just good, slobbery, and loud fun.

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23 Responses to “Wordless Wednesday – Playing Dogs”

  1. weliveinaflat Says:

    Amazing how they keep it contained in that small spot.

  2. Jodi Says:

    I could literally make a movie of my dogs playing and watch it over and over again. Sampson is very vocal and rambunctious when he plays. But Delilah despite being 20 pounds lighter hangs right with him.

    I’m so grateful, the first time someone yips because it got too rough, they stop. But at times it can be quite scary too!

    • Dawn Says:

      πŸ˜€ Maya sounds like a big bear when she’s playing. But she won’t yip or cry when Pierson hurts her. I’ve seen him grab her ear and yank on it and all she does is stand there with a pathetic look on her face. Poor Maya! I wish she’d let him know when he gets too rough. I bet she’d want to play with him more often if she understood she could set boundaries.

  3. The Golden Life Says:

    I LOVE watching my girls play! I worry a little at times that Callie will re-injure her knee, but so far — knock on wood — she has been fine. Ducky is a little “wild” when she plays, but Callie and Shadow can handle it. Unfortunately, both Ducky and Shadow are very vocal when they play, and in this little house of ours the noise can be deafening and painful. Callie is funny — when she wants to play with the other two, she will “hump” Ducky. (One of these days I HAVE TO get a picture!) But Ducky is quick — she’ll turn and nip at her. The best part is when Ducky tries to hump Callie!! (That’s another picture I have to capture one of these days!)

  4. Roxy the Traveling Dog Says:

    That’s quite the game they have going there.

  5. furrywigglebutts Says:

    I agree with weliveinaflat. How do they stay in one spot?!

  6. Paula Says:

    glad to know no dogs were injured during the filming. πŸ™‚ glad they are playing together. every time i go to get the camera they quit whatever they were doing. Maya looks like she could do some damage. I have a lab/staffy mix that has the same look sometimes. she plays with our blind shih tzu. such a funny combo. shih tzu’s are fearless. ours are anyway!

    • Dawn Says:

      Maya is 20lbs heavier than Pierson, but he’s the one that does the most damage. My parents used to have a Lhasa and a Lab (Killer and Fritz). They were great together. The Lhasa was fearless like your Shih Tzu and the Lab was gentle.

  7. raisingdaisy Says:

    Hahaha what great photos! You GO Maya! Love those playfully bared teeth! πŸ™‚

  8. peacelovenwhiskers Says:

    Wonderful action shots.

  9. 2browndawgs Says:

    LOL looks like fun! I have similar pictures for next Monday’s post, but outside. Inside I think they would break my place apart. πŸ™‚

  10. kirbysdawgblog Says:

    They seeem to be working out a great tactic! to get to know how to play well with one another! πŸ™‚

  11. rubytheairedale Says:

    Maya…you go gurl!!!! Nice, I know you only LET Pierson think he’s won, that if you REALLY wanted to,you could win everytime! BOL
    Ruby β™₯

  12. mollie and alfie Says:

    That is my favorite game, rough and tumbling BOL πŸ™‚ xxoxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  13. Clowie Says:

    They’re great pictures! it looks like they were having a great time.

  14. snoopys@snoopysdogblog Says:

    What a great battle guys, have you been learning the wrestling moves from the TV? πŸ™‚ I love to play like that but Cosmo won’t – doh!

    Wags to all,

    Your pal Snoopy πŸ™‚

  15. Long Life Cats and Dogs Says:

    Well done getting such great action shots. Never easy when they are playing and messing around like that. Glad they had a bit of play time together and what a sweetie Maya is, letting Pierson win;

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