Posts Tagged ‘playing dogs’

Wordless Wednesday – Playing Dogs

November 20, 2013

Believe it or not, Maya and Pierson do not play together often. Maya thinks Pierson is just a little too rough, and he is. So if she is trying to play by herself, and he butts in, she stops. But the other day was different. Maya was either very bored or just in a really good mood. They played together for several long minutes, long enough for me to go find my camera and snap quite a few photos.

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When Pierson plays too rough, he grabs the side of Maya’s face and pulls. Ouch!

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Even though Pierson sometimes hurts her, Maya doesn’t cry out. But this day, she was really giving him what-for.

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You tell ‘im Maya!

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I’ve got you now, Mr. Pierson!

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Have you had enough yet? How about we slobber up some of that fluff of yours.

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You’re going down!

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But Pierson slips away. Maya has to try again.

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But Pierson is the one who takes Maya down. He always wins… but only because Maya lets him win.

No dogs were hurt in this activity. It was just good, slobbery, and loud fun.

For more fun pet photos, check out the link below for the Wordless Wednesday blog hop:

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