Posts Tagged ‘dogs playing in snow’

Wordless Wednesday – Wading in a Winter Wonderland

February 27, 2013

We had so much snow in the past week! Perhaps you folks up north have seen this much snow, but not me. It snowed a foot last week and as I am writing this, the weather is in the progress of dropping another foot. Even though we are stuck at home, we are having a blast!!! My dogs love playing in the snow.

That pile of snow in our driveway is taller than Maya.

That pile of snow in our driveway is taller than Maya.

Handsome dog in snow

It is definitely a winter wonderland out there. Pierson loves it!

Dog bounding through snow.

Pierson has to bound over the snow since it is too thick to wade through.

Handsome dog standing in snow

This is my favorite photo of Pierson standing in the snow. I used this photo for my desktop image.

My dog Pierson playing in snow.

Pierson loves to run and play in the snow.

Dog Pierson standing in snow.

Pierson has been putting his face in the snow.

Maya running in the snow.

Maya loves to run in the snow.

Pierson standing in the snow.

The snow is up to Pierson’s belly.

Pierson sitting in the snow

Pierson sees so much snow, he doesn’t know where to begin!

Dog Maya wearing Kumfy Koatz

This is Maya wearing her Kumfy Koatz to keep warm. Check out our PetAutoSafetyBlog for more info on the Kumfy Koatz.

This is our house.

This is our house.

Snow Dog House

I made a dog house out of snow! No, Pierson won’t really have to stay in it.

Some people in Kansas City, which is about 40 minutes east of us, lost electricity due to the snow piling on and snapping the power lines. We here in Lawrence haven’t had things so bad. Most of the power lines in my neighborhood must be underground because I don’t see any here. So we still have our electricity and have been able to keep warm and dry. Our prayers go out to those who suffered from this winter storm.

For more great Wordless Wednesday pet photos, check out the blog hop below.

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